Senses – BOOK SELECTION by Jade Tullett

posted in: Poetry 2012 | 0

Hear that swish of a tail,

The buzz of a bee,

The post of the mail,

The sound of the sea,
Taste the salt in the rain,

The icing of cake,

The new harvested grain,

The chocolate milkshake,


See the birds in the sky,

The frost on the leaves,

The rivers running by,

The gently swaying trees,


Smell the freshly cut grass,

The seaweed on rocks,

The newly polished brass,

The den of a fox,

Feel that touch of a hand,

The kiss on a cheek,

The smoothness of the sand,

The mud under feet,


You are all these senses,

All that you do find,

Past, present, future tenses,

All part of your mind.


Jade collects a handmade hardback book

She will be presented with this at the House of Lords on the 1st May 2013

Congratulations from all of us at !!


Her work will feature in The Yellow Book going nationwide


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Selected Poetry Entries for The Yellow Book please click the titles to view:




Congratulations from all of us at !!



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