Sending #NotesOfThanks for all the amazing creative entries inspired by gratitude for the 5th Edition of the creative wellbeing resource The Yellow Book. You can now view the incredible art, poetry and photography submitted to uplift and inspire.

Sending our deepest gratitude to the assessment teams who had the challenging job of selecting just 32 pieces from all the incredible entries to feature in the resource.

We are so grateful to everyone who came together to make this project possible!

Selected Entries Announced 10/09/24! The 10th birthday of the not for profit company! 

 #NotesOfThanks – Enjoy Entries!

Click image & View Selected Entries

Click image & Meet the Assessors

Song created to help inspire project creativity:

 #NotesOfThanks Single!

Thanks from the Artists!

Listen & Download!

 Welcome to #NotesOfThanks

Thanks to Creative Cat FX for the fantastic animation around entering #NotesOfThanks!

More Info #NotesOfThanks

Song Creation Learn More!

Artists Involved Learn More!

Thanks to All Involved!