We have been delighted to work with Peterborough College to produce a personalised version of The Audio Yellow Book. The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book features all the wellbeing tools and mindful practices available in the national resource and includes creative work from students in both the music and art departments. A free copy of this resource is available college wide for all students and staff to download.
Students and staff also have access to the online version of The Yellow Book Flipbook which mirrors up to the audio resource.
The Audio Yellow Book is a digital wellbeing resource, providing simple tools, practices, spoken word and music with the aim to help empower people in maintaining their health.
Music students created compositions around wellbeing and those selected performed at an event at the Sue Townsend Theatre and The Guildhall Leicester alongside acts from Leicester College. The song by Will Barkhouse was chosen by assessors as the best composition and his track was recorded and produced by Adam Ellis at Deadline Studios and features on the resource.
Will then sung lead lines on the #SoundsInspired single alongside many other artists to help raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing. The song also features on The Audio Yellow Book.
Previously at the Guildhall Peterborough College student Tara Pasveer was selected as the winner of the composition project. Her song was recorded by Adam Ellis at deadline studios to feature on The Audio Yellow Book resource. rethinkyourmind Assessor Emma Fay created the music video to the piece.
Tara then came to the world renowned Abbey Road Studios to sing lead lines on the wellbeing single ‘I Feel Better When’ released to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing.
Atlas were chosen as runners up to the project and Peterborough College Students Sapphire and Vinny had their song recorded with Adam Ellis at Deadline Studios. Their track featured on the first ever Audio Yellow Book that was available nationwide. Their song now features on The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book.
Peterborough College Students were tasked with creating the cover art to the resource inspired by the things that uplifted them and kept them well.
“Working closely with rethinkyourmind Emma’s passion for wellbeing and Mental Health has led to creating pieces for the Yellow Book project and video artwork led by the winning entries for the ‘I Feel Better When’ campaign. Her latest project ‘Respire’, saw live artwork being created in public spaces, commissioned by Arts Council England, the University of Leicester, Leicester City Council and Kenilworth Arts Festival. These artworks explored Health and Wellbeing coming out of lockdowns, prompted by the idea of ‘Respire: recovery, hope, courage and strength after a period of difficulty.”
Website – Emma Fay
View the 2nd & 3rd editions of The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book: