2nd Edition! – The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book

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After the success of the 1st edition of The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book we were delighted to work with Steve Simmonds (Assistant Head of Faculty Performing Arts/Music/Media/IT) Cherish Groom (Lecturer – Music – Peterborough College) and the new intake of students to help create the 2nd edition of the digital wellbeing resource that is being made available college wide for students and staff to download for free.

Music students were asked to create original compositions for the resource inspired by The Yellow Book project poems by Des Mannay or Stephanie Rose (see below) or by the things that most inspired them. In art and design, visual arts students were asked to create the cover art for the album. Our thanks to David Smith (Curriculum Lead – Visual Arts)

Live sessions were provided in the college by Pete Hirst and Phil Seaman of the rethinkyourmind team. The tracks were then written and recorded in composition lessons.

After assessment Jake, Charlie Ellingham and Bree Hubbard who wrote and performed the chosen tracks came to record their songs with Adam Ellis at Deadline Studios. Scroll down to listen to the tracks that feature on the resource.

Congratulations Jake, Charlie Ellingham and Bree Hubbard!

L to R
Adam Ellis of Deadline Studios, Charlie Ellingham, Jake, Bree Hubbard

The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book 2nd Edition features these new songs alongside the tracks created by students in previous years.

The cover art for the resource was created by visual arts student Jarome Charles.

The Audio Yellow Book is a digital wellbeing resource, providing simple tools, practices, spoken word and music with the aim to help empower people in maintaining their health.

‘I have you on repeat’

Jake – Recording ‘I have you on repeat’

‘Charlie’s Poem Song’
Charlie Ellingham & Bree Hubbard

L to R
Charlie Ellingham & Bree Hubbard

Bree Hubbard – Recording ‘Charlie’s Poem Song’

National Project Involvement!

Bree Hubbard – Joined us at Deadline Studios to record vocal lines on the ‘Notes of Thanks’ Single for the national yellow book project.

Click the image to learn more:

Project Worksheets
Music Students

Art Students

View the 1st & 3rd editions of The Peterborough College Audio Yellow Book:

1st Edition

3rd Edition