Yellow stickers

posted in: Poems 2024 | 0

After 7pm
I casually walk into the supermarket
I walk to the isle with shelves stacked with food with yellow stickers
Items of food that are near their best before date or reduced for clearance
It was an opportunity to save money
It has become a necessity
For me
I make meals at what I can buy, freeze or cook
For others it is about reducing waste, be creative with selective food items
For me it is simply a choice between eat what I can afford or go hungry.
For this I am grateful.


posted in: Poems 2024 | 0

I am not a religious person
I am a person who seeks a safe space
In a church, at a mosque or a temple
I like to be able to immerse myself in a space
Where I can sit in the uncomfortable of silence
Where I am not known to anyone
Where I can position myself amongst the architecture and become lost
I often witness prayer gatherings, call to pray and ringing of a bell.
I understand some of what I witness
I appreciate the space, the chants, the gatherings, the suspicious look
Prayer comes in many forms, in many languages, in many rituals
For me right now it is the space, the silence, the ambience and the knowledge
I am evolving as a person.