
posted in: Poems 2014 | 0


I feel better when I am more myself when I discard this false disguise

I’m aware I’m finally getting there at long last

It’s so helpful that my loved ones care a comfort just to know their there

My minds set free from struggles in the past

No one said that life is easy I found that out to my cost

I was lonely isolated I felt life was over rated

But most of all I felt that I was lost

Recovery is spasmodic one step forwards two steps back

I struggled to find new ways to help me cope

But this journeys finally taught me that positivitys the golden key

Being mindful not to lose sight of precious hope

I feel better when I am more like me and proud of who I am

I won’t hide behind a mask or a disguise

I look forwards to the future armed with the lessons that I’ve learned

What’s biggest? being positive is WISE


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