I feel better when I am covered in paint

posted in: Poems 2014 | 0

I feel better when I’m covered in paint,

I’m absorbed , in the flow , creating and relaxing,

Nothing else is more important in that moment in that place in time,

Each brush stroke heals , each brush stroke calms , each brush stroke creates part of a bigger picture.

I feel better when my sewing box full of threads calls me to stitch, each stitch adds to a tapestry of relaxation, of distraction and I am lost in its beauty.

I feel better when a block of clay is handled , rolled , carved , remoulded and built into a sculpture , the feel , the texture not knowing what will develop , who cares , who knows , it is formed, I am calm , at peace and alive.

I feel better when I print , objects I have found become tools , treasure almost in adding life to that blank piece of paper – print yes, add colour yes, add more and see,  who worries  what appears, I am absorbed, inspired ,so simple but a meditation in progress.

I feel better when all that junk, rubbish for some becomes art, old cardboard , tape , bottle tops and donated beads and odds and ends in themselves become my masterpiece, my medication, my art , my art on prescription even.

I now feel better as armed with the tools of my trade I can help others to create, relax , be at peace during those bleak dark moments, to come together, be in the artistic zone of creativity, to inspire and motivate , to encourage and support  the process, to see the joy and enthusiasm, helping others to achieve their true potential.

I feel better knowing art can heal, I feel better knowing I can help to make a difference, I feel better knowing I have my art tool box of recovery.

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