Sending #NotesOfThanks for all the amazing creative entries inspired by gratitude for the 5th Edition of the creative wellbeing resource The Yellow Book. You can now view the incredible art, poetry and photography all submitted to uplift and inspire.

The next step is the assessment process which will be taking place over the month of June. You can follow the updates here and on twitter and facebook. We extend our #NotesOfThanks to the fantastic creative assessors!

Meet the Poetry Assessors:
Adam Horovitz, Josie Dom, Joy T Chance 

Meet the Art & Photo Assessors:
Naomi Koji Paton, Will Johnston, Siyuan Ren, Emma Filby

We are so grateful for everyone who came together to make this project possible!

 #NotesOfThanks – Enjoy Entries!

Scroll down to learn more about the project:

 The #NotesOfThanks Single!

Thanks from the Artists!

Listen & Download!

 Welcome to #NotesOfThanks

Thanks to Creative Cat FX for the fantastic animation around entering #NotesOfThanks!

More Info #NotesOfThanks

Song Creation Learn More!

Artists Involved Learn More!

Thanks to All Involved!