Sharing Creativity #MonthOfThanks! The Yellow Book 5th Edition

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A #MonthOfThanks – The assessment process takes place for #TheYellowBook over the month of June (2024) – We will be sharing our gratitude and the creativity that was entered in to the online galleries to uplift and inspire! You can view the posts on twitter and facebook over the month of June (2024)

Thanks to all for Creatively Expressing Gratitude for #TheYellowBook 5th Edition

We extend our #NotesOfThanks to the fantastic creative assessors!
Adam Horovitz, Josie Dom, Joy T Chance,
Naomi Koji Paton, Will Johnston, Siyuan Ren, Emma Filby

Click the image below to meet the teams:


#NotesOfThanks – Enjoy Entries!

Click the image below & learn more about the project: