A piece of creativity from each school was selected to become the front cover art for #TheAudioYellowBook wellbeing resource. The audio will be available for all pupils, parents and staff to download for FREE.
These pieces received a unanimous vote from all 6 assessors and will become the front cover artwork for each schools version of The Audio Yellow Book.
Wyatt Vorster – F & B Infants’ School
Leah Pett – High Wych CE Primary School
Lucy Tattersall – Mandeville School
Erin Middleditch – Reedings Junior School
Lilly Milan – Spellbrook C of E Primary School
Leah Pett – High Wych CE Primary School
Lucy Tattersall – Mandeville School
Erin Middleditch – Reedings Junior School
Lilly Milan – Spellbrook C of E Primary School
The Audio Yellow Book is a digital wellbeing resource, providing simple tools, practices and music with the aim to help empower people in maintaining their health. It is a complementary, audio resource to the printed book with a recording of the wellbeing toolkit, mindful meds – mindful meditative practices – created by Claire Evans at The Centre of Wellbeing and Refuge. It also includes project songs including the ‘I Feel Better When’ Single recorded at Abbey Road Studios.
Enjoy all the other schools selections for The Primary School Yellow Book by clicking the image below: