2nd Edition! – The Cygnet Health Care Yellow Book

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After the success of the 1st edition of The Cygnet Health Care Yellow Book, we were delighted to work with the Cygnet Health Care team to help them produce a 2nd edition of their Yellow Book wellbeing resource.

The book features fantastic creative work from the many inspiring projects taking place across their services and signposts people to the extra support they can find there. As standard the book includes a 30 page wellbeing section full of empowering ways to support our wellbeing developed by our company director and owner of The Centre of Wellbeing Claire Evans. The resource also signposts to national support organisations.

Two thousand copies of the book were printed and are being distributed to residents, staff, families, carers and visitors nationwide . It was wonderful to receive feedback from some of their staff.

By clicking the image below you can find out more about The Cygnet Health Care Yellow Book 2nd edition.