It’s Me, my Shadow and the last Muddy Puddle

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A day at the Zoo with our grandchildren.
It rained for most of day. Our grandson found more joy splashing in muddy puddles than visiting the animals. Then the sun appeared and the puddles dried up. Finally, we found the last muddy puddle.


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“Mummy, look, we need to go on snail patrol I have just saved this one’s bacon! Phew!”

Best times

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Best times been with my husband and my dog Ayla

Self compassion

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I have found compassion focused therapy and mindful self compassion extremely helpful in a way that other approaches hadn’t been before for me. It has turned my outlook on myself, others and mental health upside-down. There’s a very old text called “Desiderata” that I have a favourite quote from. As a human being you deserve compassion (in the truest sense of the word, which involves taking responsibility for your actions, courage and warmth), and you don’t have to do anything to earn it.

Self portrait

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During mindfulness meditation and compassionate mind meditation practice, I think of my “self” exploring what is happening in my mind and body with gentle curiosity. It helps sometimes to draw what it is I want to visualise or aim for. I find there is no one “self” but different thoughts and feelings, some of which directly oppose each other and that I am all of these.

Two swimmers

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i enjoy light painting photography, this is one of the first photos I ever took using two torches the red one flashes and a white light torch, holding camera with right hand, torches in left, was tricky. I love to swim, when I looked at what I produced I could see two swimmers. I am most happy when I am swimming, it frees the mind and refreshes me, makes me feel energised.


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I find I feel better when I am being mindful, meditating and practicing deep breathing, and this drawing expresses that. In a way, it’s a reminder to practice the qualities I want to develop the most, as well as Drawing, which in itself often makes me feel happy, relaxed and peaceful. I hope you like it.

Bradgate Park

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This artwork captures what I love about Bradgate park: The wildlife, especially Deer. There’s something about their eyes, so warm, so expressive that awes me, making me happy. I feel better when expressing myself. Just drawing this Dear made me happier, made me feel relaxed and peaceful. I hope you like it.


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I feel better when I am photographing . This photo to me illustrates peace of mind, feeling relaxed and composed , in control and possession of me

Going underground

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I feel happy when I go to London and look at art and architecture, particularly art deco buildings and structures, it brings me great joy.