Claire Evans

Thank you for investing in you & picking up this incredible Book to empower wellbeing in all of us!

Life is a heartbeat, full of ups and downs but the skill of navigating life is to remember what keeps us feeling safe, resilient and better.

Safety comes from keeping the mind calm through presence & not allowing it to be our compass.

Resilience comes from consciously practising and living in awareness, being more present and realising we are more than our transient thoughts and emotions.

Feeling better is a focus that reminds us that we have a creative flow that keeps us well.

The Yellow Book is a reminder for us all to be creative, to know what keeps us well and to celebrate artistic expression. When you need a bit more support, there is signposting to services & organisations too.

May I wish you well navigating your life journey and trust that this resource will guide & inspire you, gently on your way.

In love, Claire

Claire Evans Develop Insite CIC MD, Mindfulness Specialist,
Author of the wellbeing section & owner of The Centre of Wellbeing CIC