I feel better when I am

posted in: Poems 2014 | 0

I feel better when I am gently allowing my emotions and feelings to flow
I feel better when I am trusting that they will naturally just come and just go
I feel better when I reassure myself that’s it’s okay to feel mad sad or low
And to sometimes know what that’s telling me, and for sometimes not to know

I feel better when I am listening to my body and what she really needs.
As her wisdom quietly talks to me, despite the poison I feed
I feel better knowing her needs are simple; rest, food, movement and touch
I feel better as I appreciate how she’s carried me, never asking for much

I feel better when I give myself a break and just let myself be me
When I stop striving for perfection, and allow ‘good enough’ to free me
I feel better when I finally notice your love and allow myself to receive it
When you say that I am okay for the thousandth time, and I this time I finally believe it

I feel better when I am allowing my words to soothe and heal the hurts of others
Who are wounded by the world of lost loves and imperfect fathers and mothers
I feel better when I am smiling as my own advice is the hardest to follow
As my once- wise words stick in my throat and I don’t even try to swallow

I feel better when I remember to notice all the bright and beautiful things
And to marvel and thank goodness for the wonders that each new day brings
I feel better when I remember that forgetting these things is human nature after all
If I want to see the beautiful sunrise, I must allow the nightfall

I feel better when I accept my thoughts and feelings as they are
Without trying to paint a rainbow over my bloody scars
I feel better when I embrace my wounds as part of the imperfect me
I feel better when I am being myself, and allowing the world to see me

I feel better when I am accepting that I do care what other people think
When I spit the bile of indignant independence finally down the sink
I feel better when I allow myself to feel the need to be loved and to belong
And recognise that we all need this and that it is not wrong

I feel better when I laugh until I cry, with friends who love me unconditionally.
I feel better when I see the humour of it all but know that the joke isn’t on me
I feel better when I do stuff just for fun and let myself have a silly season
I feel better when I just to enjoy myself-I don’t have to give any reason

I feel better when I am just sitting and watching my mind do her thing
I feel better when I am just breathing and listening to the wisdom within
I feel better when I switch off the screens and let my eyes see the real reality
I feel better when I am accepting our world for all its love and cruelty

I feel better when I create my own world through a poem, a song or a dream
I feel better when I express myself even if some people don’t know what I mean
I feel better when I am making a stand for a world that I know can be better
I feel better when we are all making a stand and helping each other feel better

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